RV purchasers are often risk-takers. They’re not afraid to try new things, find new locations, and be on the road for days at a time. In fact, they’re actively looking for these experiences. Endless opportunity awaits potential RV owners — and as an RV dealer, you can make an impact on their next route.

When customers walk into your dealership, you want to make a good impression and leave them excited to do business with you. One way you can strengthen your relationship with your customers is to cater to their values.

Whether customers are looking for the adventure, flexibility, or practicality of an RV trip, you can show you recognize their values in the way you serve them. Let’s take a look at how you can appeal to these important RV consumer priorities:

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RVs can be a catalyst for unforgettable experiences. No matter the time of year, there are countless must-see locations for RV owners. After purchasing an RV, your customers can travel to popular tourist spots like National Parks or off-the-beaten-path destinations. These locations provide adventures at every corner, whether it’s camping in the woods, stopping for hikes, or exploring nearby towns.

Don’t be afraid to share your customers’ adventures! Your relationship doesn’t have to — and shouldn’t — end once they walk out of your dealership. You can cater to your customers even after they leave the lot. With social media’s ever-growing presence, dealers have an opportunity to continue connecting with buyers.

One idea is to give them a chance to send in photos or videos from their various trips! With their permission, you can repurpose their content, post on your company’s social media, and show an interest in what they’re doing with their RV. This is a simple yet fun way to foster customer relationships, spread awareness about your dealership, and show prospects that you value your customers.

Demonstrating your willingness to highlight customers’ most memorable destinations will further incline your customers to consider the RV life.


Unlike being a passenger on a plane, train, or cruise ship, your RV customer will be behind the driver’s seat. They’ll choose whether to get out and enjoy the scenery, take a different road, or turn up the volume.

One perk of an RV is the ability to work comfortably on the road. Due to the pandemic, the number of people working from home skyrocketed, and the number of in-office workers hasn’t returned to what it was pre-pandemic.

In fact, 78% of individuals working from home during lockdown said they would prefer to continue to do so after the pandemic. Additionally, by 2025, an estimated 32.6 million Americans will be working remotely. From this data, it’s clear that people find value in entirely virtual jobs, and RVs can provide remote workers an exciting work-from-home experience.

The ability to choose where to go, what to do, and when, is a desired luxury for many — and your customers want the same flexibility when interacting with your business. By using a platform that allows business operation from anywhere, at any time, you can respond to customer requests quickly and exceed their expectations. With on-demand access from your phone, tablet, or computer, your customers should always be able to reach you — providing flexibility they’ll appreciate.

Increased flexibility within your business will appeal to your customers’ desire for flexibility within their lifestyles.  

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An RV is a practical investment that provides everything owners need in one space, eliminating the tedious process of planning and booking flights, hotels, and rental cars. Similarly, it’s important for your dealership to invest in practical ways to improve your everyday practices and eliminate inconvenient steps.

With a comprehensive mobile app that gives you access to all your dealership information in one place, you’ll be able to better serve your customers. This practical tool puts the information you need right in the palm of your hand, whether you need to order a part, assign a task to an employee, or view your reports. Your customers won’t be left waiting, and they’ll be happy to return for your efficient service.

There are numerous opportunities to connect with your customers while simultaneously improving the way your dealership runs. In all areas of your business, look to appeal to your customers’ sense of adventure, flexibility, and practicality.

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