Motorcyclists, jet skiers, and powersport enthusiasts alike live for the rush of adrenaline they get from using their impressive, high-speed vehicles. But excitement isn’t the only thing your customers value. What other factors do these thrill-seekers evaluate before buying, and how can you amplify their purchase experience? Let’s dive into four questions that will help you successfully support your customers.

What Are They Looking For?

Whether you have a new customer or an avid adrenaline junkie browsing your powersport vehicle selection, they’ll be looking for options that best fit their needs. The desired noise level, speed, durability, and lifespan depend on the specific individual. For example, an inexperienced rider may want to feel more in control as they learn, requiring a less powerful engine than someone who has been riding their whole life. Additionally, the growth of the electric powersports market has given consumers more options than ever resulting in strong opinions about the qualities and capabilities of electric alternatives in comparison to traditional models.

Stances differ on electric/hybrid powersports vehicles’ charging time, battery life, sound intensity, and performance level. For example, CycleTrader found that 26% of respondents feel that electric motorcycles are too quiet, while 30% look forward to less noisy rides. Be proactive in asking customers about their preferences so you can find the vehicle that will deliver the right experience.

How Can I Improve Their Dealership Experience?

Closing a deal and establishing a loyal customer involves cultivating a positive dealership experience. In fact, 91% say a positive customer experience makes them more inclined to purchase from that business in the future. To deliver the level of service your customers expect, you should avoid common sales mistakes and maintain professionalism during every interaction.

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While successful selling is important, the quality of your service also hinges on the efficiency of your operations. Slow systems or human error can quickly frustrate customers and taint their perception of your business. You can improve the customer experience by streamlining your operations with a comprehensive DMS platform. Ultimately, implementing this innovative technology will eliminate operational inefficiency, driving dealership profitability, employee productivity, and customer satisfaction. Instead of worrying about the logistics of the purchase, your customers can focus on the excitement of a new vehicle.

Do They Feel Prepared to Operate Their Vehicle Safely?

Although your customers are looking for wild adventures and enjoy participating in risky activities, safety is still a top priority for many powersport enthusiasts. Assure them that it’s possible to have fun while remaining responsible. Remind customers of your models' safety features and offer additional safety equipment, like helmets, on-site. Promoting powersport safety will help your customers have a great post-purchase experience.

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How Can I Make the Finance Process As Painless As Possible?

Cost is arguably the least thrilling aspect of a purchase, especially for larger items like powersport vehicles. If a model is out of a customer’s price range or their loan application gets denied, they’ll leave your dealership with nothing but the feeling of disappointment. You can mitigate the risk of unhappy customers by keeping conversations straightforward and guiding customers carefully through your financing process.

By keeping these defining questions top of mind as you interact with customers, you’ll be able to boost the dealership experience and provide high-quality service in every customer interaction.