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RVing on a Budget: Tips to Get the Thriftiest Generation on the Road

Written by Motility Software Solutions | 6/25/24 1:21 PM

Gen Zers are growing up, and so is their spending power. As an RV dealer, it’s time to pay attention to how to appeal to this younger generation’s buying habits. Gen Z is known to be the thriftiest generation, making them less likely to impulsively spend their money on big purchases like RVs, despite their interest in travel.

As summer progresses and July 4 vacations approach, convince hesitant Gen Z shoppers that RV ownership can easily fit into their frugal lifestyles and accommodate their adventure-seeking desires. Here’s how:

Highlight the Budget-Friendly Amenities RVs Offer

Between hotels, transportation, and dining out, vacation costs add up. However, RVs can minimize additional expenses on trips because of these three unique features:

  • Kitchen: An oven and a refrigerator are luxury camping items that are key selling features for some people. Emphasize the perks of having a traveling kitchen, especially on trips to remote areas that might not offer accessible or affordable food options.

  • Beds: Many RVs come with plenty of sleeping arrangements, whether it’s a king-size bed or fold-down tables. Struggling to find an affordable hotel is enough to discourage any traveler, so having a comfortable place to sleep at their fingertips (for free!) is one of the biggest incentives for RV trips.

  • Wheels: Having wheels attached to where travelers sleep makes for streamlined transportation and lodging. RV traveling eliminates the need for expensive plane tickets and rental cars without adding extra mileage and wear on daily vehicles.
Share the Secrets of Thrifty RV Traveling

While amenities help keep RV vacations affordable, there are additional strategies that potential travelers may not consider when deciding whether to take the plunge. Advise your Gen Z customers of these budget-slashing tips to entice their adventurous spirits:

  • Take Advantage of Free Camping Opportunities: RVers can avoid the added expense and hassle of booking a campsite by taking advantage of the best secret of avid travelers: free overnight parking. The Bureau of Land Management offers free overnight parking or camping across the U.S., and travelers can find campsites online or through campsite apps. Be sure to impart this essential piece of budget travel information to doubtful shoppers.

  • Plan Routes Ahead of Time: There are two significant drawbacks to traveling with an RV: navigating narrow or steep routes and filling up at the gas station. Mention the importance of planning ahead and suggest routes for common RV travel destinations nearby to give shoppers the peace of mind they need to make the purchase.

  • Go on Shoulder-Season Adventures: Everybody loves a good year-round product, but RVs are often mistaken as an investment that can only be used in the summer. Remind shoppers RVs are ideal for most seasons and it’s also cheaper to travel in the spring and fall — not to mention more beautiful!

  • Take Advantage of Holiday Promotions: The most popular destinations for RV travelers are any of the U.S. national parks, and many of these parks offer free or discounted entry on national holidays. Mentioning these deals for bucket-list destinations could be an incentive for potential shoppers.

  • Focus on Future Memories: RV vacations are meant to be fun, so be sure to remind shoppers of the amazing experiences and bonding opportunities that RV vacations offer: safe solo camping, up-close experiences in nature, and a chance to spend time with loved ones in some of the most beautiful locations in the world. RVs are a great avenue to lifelong cherished memories!

Knowing Gen Z’s spending habits and priorities is vital for effectively communicating the advantages of RV ownership in a way that reaches this younger generation. By being well-informed of the ways to incorporate RVs into budget travels, you’ll be able to hold educated conversations with hesitant buyers and sway their decision toward RV ownership.